Noah saw 12 legs walk by into the Ark. How many creatures could he have seen? How many different answers can you find? |
Can you match and measure the worms? |
Squashy box maths! |
Pattern making. |
Can you make a repeating pattern? |
You have a stick of 7 interlocking cubes. You cannot change the order. You break off a bit leaving it in two pieces. In how many different ways can it be done? |
Reading and recognising numbers to 20. |
Puzzle making! |
In the afternoon, 'old' Class 2 did some lovely artwork based around the story of 'The Princess and the Wizard'. Princess Eliza changed herself into lots of different animals to escape from the Wizard. Here are some of them:
Great Wizard!! |
Princess Eliza. |
The black cat. |
The yellow chick hiding in a field of corn! |
The black cat and the purple butterfly. |
The Wizard! |
The blue fish. |
The green grasshopper, hiding in the long grass! |
Magic!! |
Magic, Class 2!! J J J
I can't keep up with your class 2 (old class 2 that is). More exciting and fun work! How do you do it and still have energy to smile?! You must all get your five a day for sure. Fabtastic art work troopers.