Saturday, 22 October 2016

Another great week of learning and reflecting.

We have had another very busy week of great learning; including our final football session with Tom (10/10 scored!), making Christian symbols from clay, a very interesting and fun visit from a police officer (thank you so much Mrs Squire) and some great scientific investigation. We have had learning conferences with all the children, reflecting upon what has gone well this half term and what we can help them with. Enjoy the photos and have a very enjoyable, well earned half term break.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for having me. I was hugely impressed with how well you all sat and listened and how careful of the equipment you were. Your questions were brilliant!

    I have no doubt that you will rock the new "Fordham Fairway code of behaviour" based on what I saw and be an example to the rest of the school. Well done!

    I would not hesitate to crew up and go out on duty with you for the night.

    Good work recruits
