Friday, 22 January 2016

A note from Mrs Riggs


What a great week we have had in Class 2! We have been looking at endangered animals in
English, using the wonderful book Dear Greenpeace as our base. The children have worked
extremely hard, researching different animals and writing a letter containing a question to find out more. One of my many favourite questions was, "Do whales need friends?". This tied in beautifully with our Christian Value this half term; friendship.

We also ventured into using some new technology this week! On Thursday, the children used the school ipads, working their way through a presentation on endangered animals. They were able to write about what they had already learned, draw pictures of their chosen animal and answer questions in a quiz. Great work, and some excellent artists among us!! They have all been given a link, in their planners, to complete a small piece of homework, using the same website. I know quite a few of them have already completed the homework; I love your enthusiasm!! The children do not need to have access to an ipad for this homework. They can use any device, logging on to, then skip the tour, click on "Join Session", and the PIN is DHUSR.

I have managed to speak to a couple of parents over the last couple of weeks, and it has been lovely to meet you! Apologies to those of you that I haven't said hello to yet. Thank you to all for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Riggs



  1. Mrs Riggs! The Mooska (AKA Molly) completed the link homework BUT we are sorry to say we didn't read the part about registering with initials only until after completion. (Hangs head in shame).

  2. Hello! That is absolutely no problem at all! Please don't worry. We have been learning about e-safety in school, and had been discussing reasons not to give out personal information, so it was just about getting the children into that practice really. I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of their homework and, by the looks of it, they have had fun doing it.
