Friday, 11 December 2015



I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Mrs Riggs, and I am lucky enough to be carrying out part of my teacher training with Fordham All Saints. I have spent the last two weeks getting to know, and working with, the wonderful children in Class 2. I have loved every minute! I feel very privileged to have arrived, just as all of the Christmas preparations are underway, and have thoroughly enjoyed hearing the children practice their Christmas songs - I have found myself humming these in the car on the way to and from school!

Next term, I will continue to work in Class 2, and will be teaching the children for part of the week. I am really looking forward to what promises to be a very exciting half term.

I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Mrs Riggs


  1. Hi Mrs Riggs, we have heard all about you at home and will say hello next time I see you! Very pleased to hear you teachers are not exempt from the songs. We are all singing them, even our 3 year old knows them all... :-)
    Have a great Christmas - look forward to seeing more of you in the New Year! Verity (Edwards mum)

  2. Welcome Mrs Riggs!!! We too have heard all about you. (All very good things) Molly explains you to us as though you've been in the family for years, "yeah you know Mrs Riggs........"

    When we see you, we'll introduce ourselves.

    Thanks for your introduction.

    Hold on tight and enjoy the Christmas activities!

    "Team Squire"

  3. We wish you a Merry Christmas to and a Happy New Year
