Friday, 18 December 2015

Last few days before Christmas ....

Such a busy end of term, the Nativity was beautiful, the party fun and just the carol service to go!
Hope the children love their stockings from us all and thank you for all our lovely cards and presents. Happy Christmas and all good wishes for the New Year from us all in Class 2 and see you in 2016!

Oliver with Father Christmas!

Friday, 11 December 2015



I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Mrs Riggs, and I am lucky enough to be carrying out part of my teacher training with Fordham All Saints. I have spent the last two weeks getting to know, and working with, the wonderful children in Class 2. I have loved every minute! I feel very privileged to have arrived, just as all of the Christmas preparations are underway, and have thoroughly enjoyed hearing the children practice their Christmas songs - I have found myself humming these in the car on the way to and from school!

Next term, I will continue to work in Class 2, and will be teaching the children for part of the week. I am really looking forward to what promises to be a very exciting half term.

I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Mrs Riggs

Sunday, 6 December 2015

week ending 4th December

Such a busy week and still two weeks to go!!

This week saw science experiments - finding the best materials to repair an umberella with a hole in it! As one child suggested, when asked what we could do .... go out and buy a new one! Fair enough, but if we didn't have enough money?! The children got the idea. It was lovely to see the children working together, older children helping the younger children to record their findings and try to make it a fair test!

 We also read a great story about Neil Armstrong, from when he was a little boy and found out lots about him, including his childhood and the different jobs he did. We watched as Neil Armstrong landed on the moon! The children thought about what he might have felt / said. They then painted some wonderful moon scenes and then used speech bubbles to write about what Neil Armstrong thought / said.

We then made christingles and learnt about the meaning of the different parts and took part in the beautiful Christingle Service in church. We also made our game for the Christmas Fayre!

19 sleeps till the real Santa!!