Sunday, 3 May 2015

Week ending 1st May

We've had another week of great learning in Class 2 ......
On friday the children took home letters that they had written to their parents - two children forgot to take them home - don't worry they are safe at school for you - telling them about a Shrek Banquet that Class 2 are having on Wednesday 13th May in the afternoon. We would like the children to dress up in a fairy tale costume, or something similar, that they have at home and have also asked, if you can to provide your child with some party food that we can all share. We will send home a paper plate nearer the time to remind you! The children are also doing some cooking for the party next week in school and writing some of the recipes and instructions down.

We watched a Power Point all about Vincent Van Gogh


We also looked at the artist Vincent Van Gogh and his paintings of Sunflowers at the end of last week. We spent a long time looking at and talking about the techniques he used and then started to paint our own sunflowers in his style. The results so far are impressive - most of us wanted to keep going and it was frustrating to have to stop for Home Time! Next week we will try to finish our paintings. Below are a few of the paintings so far ......

We sketched our vase and flowers first.

We began painting.

Some of our paintings so far ......

Our Kandinsky art work!

Some of our Wonderful Writing from the last two weeks.

Our Sunflower Phonics!

Next Friday we're looking forward to celebrating the 70th Anniversary of Victory in Europe Day!


  1. Wow you look like you have had a very busy week class 2. Your paintings look fab! I can't wait to see them when I am next in class.

  2. Class 2! What can I say. I'm no art expert but I'd say your paintings are easily as impressive as Mr Van Gogh's. I'd go as far as saying better in fact, because you produced your art work much younger then he did his and tours are just as good! One day Fordham and next Rome eh? Well done you all, you should feel very proud.

  3. I love vincent van gough are I love my work from JH

  4. dear mrs macmorrin i love you henry st
