Friday, 22 May 2015

Last week of Summer 1 half term

No banquets this week but we have been very busy learning. Here are some of the things we've been up to ....
Squash - developing our hand/eye coordination

How long can you balance a squash ball on a racket?

Trying to lie down  while balancing the ball!

A mini squash game in the hall

Science - We have been finding out which conditions cress seeds grow best in

We watered most of them ..

... except these!

Then we placed some in the dark cupboard,

some on the window sill in the warm and light.

Another set went in the cold (and dark ) fridge.

These are our results so far. Can you guess which set is which?

Also this week we have been learning the songs for the Music festival and playing instruments. In R.E. we have been looking at special Christian symbols and those that are special to Sikhs. We heard the story about the donkey in the tiger skin which illustrates how it's not what you look like on the outside that is important, but what you are like on the inside and how you behave that matters. 
The children have written some wonderful alternative versions of 'The Three Little Pigs' and completed a mid-term assessment in Maths.
Half term maths homework is to look through their maths assessment and have a go at some corrections.
Bug Club books are on Active Learn - please note the Bug Club link no longer works. (log in with Abacus link from class blog)

Have a fantastic half term holiday!

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Week ending 15th May

A very exciting afternoon on Wednesday - our Shrek Banquet! Princess Fiona was there to greet the children after lunch, instead of Mrs Masterman! Tiger Lily came back, the Wicked Witch of the North, and Maid Marion. The children then transformed themselves into various fairy tale characters and we were ready to party!

Pass the Parcel, with forfeits, blowing bubbles outside, Pin the Tail on the Donkey and card games were played, followed by the most amazing banquet of food. Thank you so much to all the parents and children for providing such an amazing feast!

Think its safe to say we all had a FANTASTIC time!

Below are some pictures of the afternoon ...............

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Week ending 8th May

We've had a lovely variety of work in Class 2 this week. Congratulations to everyone for some great cooking!!! Mrs Rowland, Mrs Hitchiner, Miss Toyne and myself felt like we were all on MasterChef, as we helped the children to cook Pinocchio Biscuits, Gingerbread Men and Sunflower Cup Cakes all in one morning! Children were reading instructions, weighing and measuring ingredients and thinking of the best way to assemble the parts of Pinocchio biscuits. They also learned how to handle gingerbread dough - not an easy task!

On Friday morning the children learned all about what it was like to be an evacuee in the war and wrote some amazing letters in role, to their mums back at home. They found this a fascinating subject, as did all the adults, and were quickly able to imagine themselves in the situation, expressing what they would think and feel.

On Friday afternoon we decorated our cakes and biscuits, along with drawing some sketches of evacuees from the Second World War. Thanks to all those parents and grandparents who came and worked alongside their children. We finished of  the day with some 1940's games outside with the rest of the school.

 Fab work Class 2!

Here are some photographs of us at work ............
Mrs Rowland's first attempt!

Children designing recipe book covers.

Mrs Hitchiner discussing ingredients.

Pinocchio Biscuits!

Wow! My Sunflower Cup Cake!

Pinocchio has been telling a lot of lies! What a long nose! 

The children wrote some menus for a Shrek Feast!

Mrs Hitchiner came as a Land Girl! 

Having fun, decorating our biscuits!

Union Jack Bunting to celebrate the end of the war!

Fantastic! Looks too good to eat!

Working together  - lovely sketches!

Can't wait for Shrek's Banquet next wednesday!