Monday, 26 January 2015

We had great fun celebrating Australia Day today. Here are some of the things we did.
First we played 'Billabong Bingo' and 'Dingo Dodge' in PE

Then we investigated Australian coins in Maths with a 'Thinking Things Through' activity.
After lunch we had Australian 'Show 'n' tell' and in the afternoon we had a craft session.
We made crocodiles

and cockatoos.

We made a collage of the Australian flag

and our own boomerangs.


  1. I love these pictures, what great learning and fun. Come and tell me all about the Dingo Dodge...I am intrigued.

  2. Class 2, surely you cannot fit a single piece more of Australian expertise in your brains! I know where to come if I have an Australian query.

  3. I really enjoyed playing the billibong game because I liked winning 3 times. Iris

  4. I loved playing (billabong bingo) and (dingo dodge).

  5. Dingo dodge was fun and also when we did the felt flags. Elise
