Monday, 26 January 2015

We had great fun celebrating Australia Day today. Here are some of the things we did.
First we played 'Billabong Bingo' and 'Dingo Dodge' in PE

Then we investigated Australian coins in Maths with a 'Thinking Things Through' activity.
After lunch we had Australian 'Show 'n' tell' and in the afternoon we had a craft session.
We made crocodiles

and cockatoos.

We made a collage of the Australian flag

and our own boomerangs.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Australia Day - 26th January

On Monday it is Australia Day and we will be doing lots of exciting activities to celebrate the occasion. If you have any Australian show 'n' tell, we will do it Monday.
Maths homework this week is on Active Learn, I see some of you have already found it! There is a phonics sheet in your homework book and new books on Bug Club for those of you who have read your old ones.

Friday, 16 January 2015

We've worked our socks off!

What a lot of work we have done this week. We enjoyed listening the story of 'Wombat Goes Walkabout' and discussing how the different animals he met behaved. In maths we used number bonds to 10 and 20 to help us work out more difficult calculations. P.E on Monday morning was a great success, waking up our bodies and minds.
Next week we will be reading another Australian animal story and continuing to develop our mental maths skills. P.E. will be Monday morning again, so please make sure you have your kit. Maths homework is on Active Learn and there are books to read on Bug Club. In your homework book you have a phonics activity to do. Well done to the children who have been finding out about Australia at home and bringing in your work and other interesting items related to our new theme.

Monday, 12 January 2015

12th January - Week 2

12th January
Just to reiterate Mrs Masterman's 'Happy New Year' wishes and many thanks for all the lovely cards and presents you gave at Christmas - they were much appreciated.

We had a great first week back at school, beginning our theme of Australia! The children have started finding out about Australia and looking at maps and have started learning about Aboriginal Art. They experimented with 'dot' painting and began to look at the meaning of symbols in Aboriginal art work. Over the next few weeks we will be making our own Aboriginal art using acrylic paints on fabric!
In Literacy we are looking at stories from Australia, including animal stories and Aboriginal dream time stories.
In maths we are working on addition and subtraction, problem solving reasoning and algebra and multiplication and division. In addition to this one of our sessions will be our 'Thinking Things Through' maths.
In our theme work we will be looking at the history of the Aboriginal people.
Thanks to those of you who have brought in books and photographs about Australia, they really help bring our theme work 'alive'!

Happy Learning!   JJJJJJJ

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Welcome Back!

A 'Happy New Year' to you and a big 'thank you' for all your kind gifts and cards. It was great to see everyone in class today, excited to be back and sharing their holiday news.
The children discovered their new theme today - Australia. They enjoyed looking at the clues and trying to guess where we were going.

In Literacy we will be reading and listening to Australian stories and writing our own. Maths is all about number and place value and in Science we will be finding out about animals.
There are a few changes this term:  PE will be on Monday & Thursday. Homework will be sent home Thursday, to be completed by the following Tuesday. If your child is forgetting to change their reading books, you are welcome to help your child choose new books at the end of the day. Remember too they have allocated books on Bug Club.