On Thursday and Friday this week we are continuing to use the beautiful story: 'The Sand Horse' by Ann Turnbull & Michael Foreman. We will be writing some creative descriptions of how the sand horse comes alive. Some of us will be making our own sand creatures and writing descriptions of them.
In maths we will be working on adding and subtracting and number and place value using money.
For art and design over the next few weeks we are making dinosaur skeletons using different materials, sewing fossil bags and making our own fossils from clay to go in them.
The following week we are using the story: 'Jo-Jo the Melon Donkey' by Michael Morpurgo. The story is set in Venice. If any of you would like to find out something about Venice in preparation for this, that would be great! Perhaps some of you have been there on holiday? Photographs or pictures would be lovely!
I really enjoyed the story of JoJo the melon donkey