Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Christmas celebrations!

Christmas began with the Christingle service in church.

Next was the panto!

After that came the Nativity, the children were superb!

On Monday we had a wonderful Victorian Christmas day - thank you Mrs McMillan for organising such a lovely day. The children made decorations, wrapping paper, mince pies and lots more. They also enjoyed playing some traditional Victorian games - not an ipad in sight!

Yesterday was our class Christmas party.

This afternoon we will be singing carols in the church - a lovely way to round off this term.
Thank you from all the staff in class 2 for all our presents, you have been very kind and generous. It has been a great term, the children have worked very hard and are all ready for a well deserved break. Thank you for all your support, have a wonderful Christmas and see you all again in the New Year!

Friday, 2 December 2016


Continuing with the theme of friendship we read 'The Pirates Next Door'. The children really enjoyed the story, especially the treasure hunt that followed!

We started rehearsing the Nativity, the songs are very catchy. Have the children been singing them at home? I certainly have! Please help the children to practise their lines. Any problems with costumes please let us know - we still have some in school available to borrow.
Also this week we made our Christingles for the service and prepared our class stall for the Christmas Fayre. Which picture was the real Santa?
Looking forward to meeting with parents at learning conferences next week to share how well the children doing.