Friday, 27 May 2016

We rounded off our Julia Donaldson theme this week by reviewing our favourite books written by her. Superworm and Tyrannosaurus Drip were the most popular, closely followed by The Gruffalo and The Flying Bath. How many characters can you spot in our class display?

Year 2 used the app 'Book Creator' on the ipads to make a book all about Julia Donaldson.

As last weekend was the Buddhist festival of Vesak, the children listened to the story of Buddha and practised their origami skills by making lotus flowers. Later on in the week. year 1 made clay models of Buddha, lotus flowers and the Eightfold Path wheels.

Mrs Rowland and I had a go too!
In phonics we used a Kagan Structure game called 'give one, get one' which encourages collaborative and independent learning.

Finally, just to remind you that the home learning task is 'Performance Poetry' - to learn and practise a poem or rhyme. Remember you can add actions or props. Take  a look at Class 3's blog for inspiration! 
Well done Class 2 for all your hard work and great learning.
Have a fantastic break.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

The Snail and the Whale

This week we read the story 'The Snail and the Whale' about a little snail who travels around the world on the tail of a whale. All is going well until the whale swims too close to the shore and becomes beached. The clever, quick thinking snail gets help and the whale is rescued. The story fitted in very well with our phonics sessions as it is full of words using the different 'ay' sounds.
Well done year 2 again for trying really hard in your Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling test this week. Only Maths left to do next week.
On Wednesday afternoon we had our wonderful talent show, it was great fun and I was hugely impressed with the quality of the acts and how brave and confident the children were (especially the young ones!)
In Science year 2 have been planting seeds and, as you will see from the photos, some have been more successful than others!
In P.E we have been developing our cricket skills, next week will be our last session.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Another week of great learning

This week we have enjoyed reading the story of Superworm, looking at rhyming words and compound words within the text. We discussed the 'goodies' and 'baddies' in the story and the friendship shown by the animals when they rescued Superworm. The children produced some wonderful writing about  new evil characters for the story and how they got their super powers. In maths the children demonstrated just how much progress they had made in their money work, everyone had made good progress, some had made an outstanding amount of progress - well done! Also in maths we continued with the theme of worms in a 'Thinking Things Through' challenge which involved using dominoes to create worms of certain values. The children worked really well in pairs and the mental maths and mathematical discussions overheard were great. It was a shame Mr Wainwright wasn't available to come and see it.
The Julia Donaldson display is taking shape in the classroom, once again some amazing home learning creations being brought in - thank you.
Finally, I have to say a huge well done to the year 2 children who tackled their reading tests this week with determination and perseverance. I was incredibly impressed and proud of how every single one of you did your very best. Keep up the great attitude!

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

New prayers on the prayer tree
Some examples of the amazing home learning

Monday, 2 May 2016

New prayers for the prayer tree and amazing home learning

A thousand apologies for no photos this week - I left the camera in school!
I have been incredibly impressed with the amazing home learning; such a variety of countries studied and presented in different ways. There were powerpoint presentations, posters, blog posts, written work, as well as art and craft - truly stunning.
We have continued with stories from Julia Donaldson, the latest being 'A Squash and a Squeeze'. We were focusing on past tense verbs and the children produced some great work. Thanks to Mrs McMillan, I have been singing the song all weekend! In maths we have started a new topic on money, recognising the different coins and solving money related problems.
Our R.E. work has been writing new prayers for the tree in the hall, these are all now ready to be hung. Due to the rather erratic weather, we had our cricket session in the hall but we still managed to practise our throwing and catching skills. In Science, year two planted a variety of seeds. Fingers crossed they remembered to water them on Friday. Year one had fun exploring a range of objects using their sense of touch.
Well done Class 2 for another week of great learning!