Friday, 30 October 2015

Half Term

Hope you are all enjoying a restful half term break. We rounded off this half term with our final rugby session ...

... a visit from Mr Rob Malcolm and his apple press...

... and a Harvest assembly (see Awe & Wonder blog). We also had a 'Big Maths' test and learning conferences. - Another busy week!
Next week we will be doing the sponsored spell on Wednesday and the Space Dome comes to school on Thursday. I shall be starting 'Key Stage One Choir' on Tuesday lunchtimes, so if you enjoy singing please come and join me. 
P.E. will be Gym on Mondays and Games/Dance on Thursdays. The children will need shorts and t-shirt for Gym, long hair tied back and jewellery removed.
Enjoy the rest of the holiday, see you Tuesday!

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Week ending 16th October

We've looked at fruit and vegetables in the context of the Seasons in Science and we've used seasonal fruits to cook with and help out Country Mouse, and on friday we looked at fruit and vegetables as a material to use for a work of art! We found out about the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo used  fruit and vegetables to make portraits of people! This was a new and exciting and funny concept for the children and they loved designing and then making their own faces or people from fruit and vegetables. They are now in the process of recreating their faces in pastels!

Below are photos of just a few examples. I can honestly say they were all fantastic!

Also by popular request, here is the recipe for Gruffalo Crumble:

You will need:
5 bananas
350g berries (fresh or frozen)
250g plain digestive biscuit crumbs
140g brown sugar
1/4 tsp cinnamon
140g melted butter.

1. Preheat oven to 180C/350F
2. Slice bananas thickly.
3. Stir butter, brown sugar, cinnamon into buiscuits (crushed)
     until well coated.
4. Put bananas and berries of your choice into a shallow dish and top with the crumb mixture.
5. Bake for 20-25 minutes until it starts to brown.
6. Stand for 10 minutes and serve with icecream.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Theme Work at the end of the last two weeks

The Aesop Fable 'The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse' has really inspired us these last two weeks. We have made giant maps of the town and countryside where Town and Country Mice live. We have acted out the story using stick puppets, to develop our story telling skills and then last Thursday Mrs Thompson came into Class 2 with a package that she said had been delivered by a mouse!!! We soon found out that it was from Country Mouse wanting our help to try out some recipes for Town Mouse and helping her to make up some Menus for Afternoon Tea. The children obliged, of course, and cooked Gruffalo Crumble - (Mr Wainwright, Miss Petts, Mrs MacMorrin and Marlene can all vouch for this being delicious!!!) blackberry and blueberry muffins, and apple and blackberry crumble. It certainly smelt delicious on Thursday and Friday in Class 2! Some children also learnt how to write recipes, using 'bossy' language.
Alice in Wonderland and the story of The Great Pet Sale by Mick Inkpen helped us develop our 'Thinking Things Through' and counting skills with money.
Finally, our Boxes of Hope inspired by the story of Pandora's Box are beginning to take shape and we have made some little figures of Hope to go inside them.

P.S. Thank you for all the donations of Painting Shirts we have recieved.

Here are some pictures to give you a 'flavour' of our work................
Once upon a time .........

Careful cutting to make a stick puppet

Drawing different buildings on our map 
Da - dah!

Lastly the children added labels to their maps
We have to follow the recipe Country Mouse has sent us for Gruffalo Crumble!

Making some bright, colourful, exciting menus for Afternoon Tea

We need five bananas for Gruffalo Crumble

Making sure we have everything ready to cook blackberry muffins!
How much is half of 250grams?!

Reading the recipe carefully and follow the instructions


I think that's got to be enough bananas, surely?!

Looking good!


They look delicious!

Very yummy, indeed!

Delicious warm!

Careful counting for buying pets


Thursday, 1 October 2015

Great learning in Class 2

Well done Class 2 for another week of great learning. Highlights of this week have been the amazing home learning the children have handed in, excellent addition in Maths and story planning in English.
Next week, on Monday, we will be going to church for our Harvest service. This fits in really well with our RE about special places. We have been finding out about special buildings, in particular the church as a Christian place of worship. In Maths we will be working with money and in English we will be carrying on with the stages of writing our own stories about our lost toy. Rugby continues on Tuesday and Dance on Thursday.
To help develop the children's independence we are asking you to encourage your child to say 'good bye' at the door and come into class with their belongings by themselves. This will enable us to settle the children and begin learning quickly. Thank you for your cooperation with this.
Home Learning

Sharing our Home Learning with each other

Reading Partners with Class 4