Sunday, 28 June 2015

Week ending 26th June

Another very busy and exciting week in Class 2! Monday was Science Day, which everyone enjoyed. Then on Thursday, three witches came into Class 2! They told the children if they wanted their teachers back, they had to solve the three riddles and guess 'which witch was which!' The children sadly didn't want their teachers back, but they were happy to solve the riddles anyway and then went on to write their own riddles, choosing their favourite witch or wizard.
We all had fun reading the riddles and guessing who was who!

Can you guess? - the children could!

The children enjoyed being taught by witches - they didn't want their teachers back!

One of the witches reading her riddle.

Showing the children what was in the cauldron - mice, spiders, bats, cobwebs, the usual stuff!

So, from left to right, the Wicked Witch of the West, Winnie the Witch and the Witch from The Room on the Broom 

Enjoying some 'witch' stories in the afternoon.

Not so wicked after all?!

On friday, the children had to put up with their normal teachers, but in the afternoon, for PSHE, we read the story: 'My Two Grannies' and the children did some fantastic paintings of either the little girl, Alvina, or one of the grannies; Granny Vero or Granny Rose. Granny Vero was from Trinidad and Granny Rose was from Barnsley in Yorkshire. The children never fail to delight with the high standards of their work!!


Granny Vero, Alvina and Granny Rose

Looking forward to the end of next week, when we all go into our new classes for next year!

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Week Ending 18th June

The children in class 2 have enjoyed some more Julia Donaldson books at the end of this week.
They wrote their own rhymes after reading 'Super worm' and have done some work in PSHE and Art using the story: 'The Paper Dolls'. They considered the idea of 'strength in numbers' and how we can feel supported and safe with our friends. They were really interested to see the real Julia Donaldson reading 'The Paper Dolls' on the internet and went on to make their own paper dolls, as she had shown them. Friday afternoon we also remembered our Dads and Grandads and made them a key ring for Father's Day.
In maths we worked hard on money and year 1's had some challenging problems to work out in our Sweet Shop on Wednesday afternoon!
We said goodbye to Leah on Thursday and made her a lovely card with some photographs, some friendship flowers and a border of Paper Dolls. We wish her all the best in her new school!

Great work, Class 2!

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Sports Day

What a great day we had today at Sports Day. Classes 1 and 2 enjoyed their carousel of activities, followed by flat races and 'egg and spoon' races in their year groups. The children cheered on their little brothers and sisters in the toddlers' race and there were lots of Mums and Dads persuaded to take part in the parent races. The whole school enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch in the sunshine and at the end of the afternoon we watched the older children's races and some took part in the relay.
Sorry I have no photos to post but I was too busy blowing my whistle! - I am sure some photos will appear on the gallery.

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Welcome back!

It was lovely to see everyone back from the half term break and hear about all the exciting things the children had been up to.
This half term we are looking at stories and poems by Julia Donaldson. This week we started with probably her most well known story and a particular favourite - The Gruffalo
We also finished our Cress investigation and decided we would prefer the lovely healthy looking green cress in our sandwiches to the yellow spindly cress.
PE this half term is cricket and will be on a Tuesday morning. Please ensure your child has an indoor and outdoor kit in school at all times as the weather is not always reliable.
In Maths we have been working on our multiplication tables and we were very lucky to have Mr Wainwright teach us on Wednesday, the children (and staff!) very much enjoyed this.
Homework is on Active Learn, but if you prefer the children can practise their tables in the good old fashioned ways - on paper or verbally.
Next Monday morning year 2 are off to the Music Festival and year 1 have a treat in store. Also next week year 2 will be doing their SATs.
Hope to see you at the fete.