Sunday, 26 April 2015

friday 24th April

Our new topic 'Shrek' is proving great fun! We have had visits from the Queen of Hearts, Cinderella  and Tiger Lily and written about which fairy tale character we would choose to be and why!
Last friday, a Fairy Godmother left us a magic wishes bottle and wrote us a letter asking for our help! We wrote back to her and left the messages out on friday night - I wonder if she has collected them?
We have also loved using Pie Corbett ideas for storytelling.

We have also been looking at some PSHE themes in Shrek. We have written all about ourselves on our own unique thumb print and have thought about the phrase: 'Don't Judge a Book by its Cover!' We have looked at stereotyping in relation to Shrek and Princess Fiona. We made some great 'Wordles' to describe the characteristics of Shrek and Fiona, challenging ourselves to find new and interesting words.

We have found out about the Russian artist Kandinsky and looked at his use of colour and shapes in his work. We made some 'Kandinsky' art work of our own on paper plates. They look amazing!
In maths we have been working on shape and addition and subtraction and some great thinking things through work.

Thinking Things Through Year 1

Playing a Billy Goats Gruff Game!
Can you cross the bridge before the Troll gets you?!

Cinderella, the Queen of Hearts and Tiger Lily!

A letter from the Fairy Godmother!
Writing to the Fairy Godmother, in role! 

Friday, 17 April 2015

Welcome back!

Welcome back for the Summer Term. Our new theme is Shrek! In Literacy we will be looking at Fairy Stories and Traditional Tales where we will be writing our own versions. There is a a change to our maths this term in that on a Monday we will be doing 'big' maths in small groups. There is a meeting next Tuesday evening for parents to find out more. The rest of the week Maths will be taught in the usual way. Science this term is all about plants. We made the most of the lovely weather and went on a plant hunt around the school grounds. We will be growing plants and carrying out investigations to find out the conditions needed for growth.
P.E is on Mondays and Thursdays this term. Homework is usually sent out Thursdays, to be completed by the following Tuesday. This week, in the homework book there is a phonics activity for all and year 2's Maths. Year 1 Maths activity is on Active Learn.
There have been some changes on Bug Club that I am still trying to get used to, please bear with me. Apologies if I have made any errors, but do let me know!

Story telling - Different versions of The 3 Little Pigs